Mobilus is a joint venture between ECCAZ and CRRC CITY INDUSTRIAL GROUP Co., LTD. (CCIG) formerly known as CRRC Urban Traffic Co., Ltd. (CRRC UT).
CCIG is a joint-stock enterprise invested by the CRRC Group, the world’s largest manufacturer of rolling stock and rail transit equipment. CCIG is committed to providing overall solutions for intelligent transportation for cities and scenic spots. In recent years, CCIG has invested in the construction and operation of Automated Rapid Transit (“ART”) networks in Shanghai and Suzhou respectively.
What is ART

ART is a trackless system that uses leading edge technology developed by China’s CRRC Group, the world’s largest manufacturer of rolling stock and rail related products and systems. ART allows for higher passenger capacity (300 passengers with 3 carriages and is expandable to approximately 500 passengers with a 5-carriage configuration) at a lower cost of implementation, compared to traditional light-rail systems; and it operates on clean sources of energy such as electricity or hydrogen. The multi-carriages are equipped with sensors that read the virtual tracks on the road, enabling it to automatically navigate its own route, without the need for expensive physical rail tracks. The ART travels up to 70 kilometres per hour.
The ART technology is all about improving mobility of people in cities and the suburban areas, where connectivity is often hampered by the urban sprawl. Owing to its cost efficiency and adaptability, the ART system is particularly effective as a back-bone urban transit solution for cities. ART also works well as a secondary urban transit system supporting light-rail or mass transit systems, providing last mile connectivity in suburban areas or busy city centres. Thus, the ART is poised to transform the public transportation system in Malaysia, when successfully implemented.
Malaysia is the first country in the region to adopt the ART technology and Iskandar Malaysia in Johor State was the designated site for the ART pilot testing programme. The Malaysia Institute of Transport (MITRANS), an institute of Universiti Teknologi MARA provided the rigorous evaluation. The independent and technical study resulted in a feasibility report that gave the green light to ART’s roadworthiness in Malaysia. The final report was submitted to the Ministry of Transport in January 2022 to fully run the system in the country.
The Iskandar pilot programme trialled ART’s capabilities and demonstrated the use of green technology in line with the State’s public transport modernisation strategy. Introducing the ART system into Malaysia at Iskandar was a great breakthrough and milestone for Mobilus.
ART Pilot in
Iskandar Malaysia

ART Pilot in
Iskandar Malaysia

Malaysia is the first country in the region to adopt the ART technology and Iskandar Malaysia in Johor State was the designated site for the ART pilot testing programme. The Malaysia Institute of Transport (MITRANS), an institute of Universiti Teknologi MARA provided the rigorous evaluation. The independent and technical study resulted in a feasibility report that gave the green light to ART’s roadworthiness in Malaysia. The final report was submitted to the Ministry of Transport in January 2022 to fully run the system in the country.
The Iskandar pilot programme trialled ART’s capabilities and demonstrated the use of green technology in line with the State’s public transport modernisation strategy. Introducing the ART system into Malaysia at Iskandar was a great breakthrough and milestone for Mobilus.
Trailblazing ART in Kuching, Sarawak

With the success of the ART pilot project in Iskandar Malaysia, implementation of Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS), as well as the extensive efforts in promoting the usage of ART overseas, CCIG, in cooperation with Mobilus have been granted exclusive rights by CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd., to market and develop the ART in Malaysia and the South East Asia region.
On June 17 2022, Mobilus as part of a consortium consisting of Global Rail Sdn. Bhd. and EPR (Kuching) Sdn. Bhd. was awarded a contract of RM1.425 billion by Sarawak Metro to design, manufacture, supply and commission hydrogen-powered ART vehicles, signalling system, automated platform gates, and depot equipment & maintenance vehicles for the KUTS Project. KUTS has achieved a significant milestone in Malaysia’s green urban transportation market.
Phase 1 of KUTS consists of 70 km transit routes served exclusively by ART vehicles powered by green hydrogen energy. The KUTS project is currently undergoing pilot testing and planned to begin full operations in stages by the fourth quarter of 2025.
Once operational, each ART train can carry up to 300 passengers across the 70 km Phase 1 alignment of KUTS covering the Kuching metropolitan and Greater Kuching areas.
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